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Peer Review

This blog is the result of a class project assigned by the professor, meaning that the rest of my peers have had to design and maintain their blogs as I have. We were given the liberty of choosing our preferred blog site and template, but the content has guide rules. Certain activities done in class merit a blog post such as reading handouts given to us by the professor as well as unique days where we receive feed back of our designs such as jury days. Because we have all had to dedicate some time to our blogs, it was decided that it could be extremely beneficial to read each others blogs and create a new post giving our own feedback on the individual blogs.

The first blog I chose to dive into was from my long-time peer, Benny Candelaria. Although his layout may not be my favorite, I enjoy his entries and his point of view on different subjects. I would describe his blog as "short and concise, yet effective in transmitting his main ideas to the reader", this because his entries are always easy to read and relatively quick, yet you always understand the subject at hand when its all said and done.

Maria Burgos's blog is aesthetically pleasing and easy on the eyes with a nice muted color scheme, which I clearly enjoy as a attempt to do the same with mine. I find extremely helpful that she has all her entries on her menu tab, making it easy and simple to find the exact entry that you might be looking for. I find her entries to be a little short, but with great potential to further expand on the topics at hand. Nevertheless, I believe her blog is easy to read and concise in the content aspect of things.

The next blog I visited was by Bridget Silva, which I noticed she had changed her layout a little bit. I enjoy now more than I did the previous time I visited as it seems easier to maneuver around the site than before. Her entries have a good amount of pictures on them which aid in understanding. This said, I think her post could be longer and go more in depth on the subject shes tackling at that given moment.

To be honest, I thoroughly enjoy Allen Marquez's blog. It contains a short slide show with, what appears to be, project from past semesters and an easy to navigate blog. With the slideshow, I'm not sure if it's a problem on my computer or if it doesn't contain an explanation of each project, but I feel like it calls for it [even if it's something short] because they are so intriguing. As for the written part of the blog, I enjoy reading his material. They show his point of view clearly and are easy to read.

Nassira Aquino's site appears to be one page that contains everything she has posted. Not to say that it's a bad thing, but it makes it a little more complicated to see everything that the page has to offer. I would suggest categorizing her material so that it is easier on the readers and on her for future reference. As for the written aspect of the blog, my thoughts on it would be same as the ones I have for Bridget Silva's; she could go more in depth on her explanations to allow the readers to see what shes thinking.

The graphic aspect of Joaquin Berdasco's is amazing in my opinion; it's simple, it's clean; it's easy to maneuver. The only thing that I found weird was that the entries weren't easily legible and because of this I can't give my opinion on that aspect. I'm not sure if it's a problem on my computer or if it's a design problem of the page.

By now, I'm guessing everyone reading this has understood that I enjoy a simple layout with an easy-to-digest color scheme, and because of this I enjoy Alondra Mayol's blog. Obviously it's much more than that; she has divided her content into subjects which helps the reader search for a specific entries more efficiently. Her blog contains an abundance of pictures, also aiding the reader in the understanding process, and entries are clear and easy to read. I enjoy her point of view, and if I had to say anything remotely negative it would have to be that, on her homepage, the words are a little hard to understand due to the nature of her color scheme. [Sometimes black-and-white can stab you in the back]

The last blog I visited was the one my Rocio Ortiz, which has an 'easy on the eyes' color scheme with warm muted colors. It was a little confusing because, although the homepage has links to all her entries, once you're in the entry there is only a button to return to the portfolio page and not the homepage. Beside this, her entries are clear and easy to read, I don't believe any of my peers have difficult to read blog entries. They are also concise within her point of view, and although I believe they could hold more, they are enough to get her point across.

Reading what my peers had to say about my blog and my entries helped me understand where I was thriving, but also what where the aspects I was lacking in, and because of this I have made a few changes to the appearance of my blog, which I believe make it appear more professional and presentable. I hope my thoughts on the other blogs allow them to do the same with theirs.


I don't know who might be reading this, but I thoroughly encourage, whoever it might be, to visit these blogs and take a look.

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