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Maybe we're on the right path... maybe?

Constantly getting critiqued by your professors, colleagues, fellow class mates, and invited jury is path of the design process and its basically what you sign up for when you're design student. It is what it is. But when you get into it an develop a thick skin, it becomes something you constantly look forward to because yo know its way to her someone else's perspective and it can further your design. Other peoples perspectives open up our eyes to what you couldn't see before because you were too close to your project.

I elaborate much more on this on the posts I make on the Juan Navarro- Reinterpreted page on my blog, so you can read about it more in depth there.

Last weeks critique was casual yet it allowed for us as a group to further understand what the professor was asking of us, and although we are constantly believing we are on the right path just to later be told that we are on the COMPLETELY WRONG PATH... this time was a different. We weren't completely wrong and so we had a good base to continue our work. I believe that now we might be on track yet I've decided to just never be entirely secure on that though because you never know.

Uncertainty, as you soon learn in design school, is place you will have to be okay always being in because whether its with a professor, or later on with a client, its difficult to be spot on from the get go. It almost becomes a confortable place to be because it gives you space to ontinue working and designing and bettering what you already have so that its as close to erfect as you could get it.

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